Brother Star game 2012: Keitta was save, while Mildred Eve and Edith was out Big

Lots of things are happening the house of big brother star game after it was started in may and now after the random nomination of fourth third week  Keitta was upgraded to Upville last Sunday  Mildred however, was not there to share in her man's joy.Mildred went full steam ahead with her plans to ignore the Live Eviction Show.

The Ghanaian Housemate slowly made the 60 second walk outside of the Downville House alongside Keitta, Eve and Edith with a hoodie covering her hair. Unlike previous Eviction Shows where the Housemates have to contend with long, drawn-out suspense, IK called all the Evicted Housemates to the stage, leaving some of the Downvillers baffled.

Keitta had to take the stressful Live Eviction Stage walk without his Brazilian weave less girlfriend by his side.

After minutes of suspense, the three Nominated Housemates huddled on stage, before Keitta was announced as the latest Downviller to be upgraded to cushy Upville. Mildred could not be a part of her man's big moment, because she had elected to languish backstage, courtesy of her bad hair day. He got neither a hug nor a kiss on the Eviction stage, to toughen him up for the long road ahead.

Keitta moving to Upville is sure to cause more than a lot of drama. It is no secret that Zainab has a crush on the Ghanaian.

Keitta has maintained in Diary Sessions (with his girlfriend looking on) that he thinks Zainab is a nice person, but is not interested in her romantically. Zainab is known to be very strong willed and is not afraid to go for what she wants.

Will she wear Keitta down and hook up with him now that Keitta and Mildred have been separated? What are your thoughts?
News: How AfricaVoted

Here is how Africa voted this week (03 June 2012) – We bid farewell to Eve, Edith and Mildred.

Here's who which country voted for:

Angola: Keitta
Botswana: Eve
Ghana: Keitta
Kenya: Eve
Liberia: Keitta
Malawi: Eve
Namibia: Eve
Nigeria: Keitta
South Africa: Eve
Sierra Leone: Keitta
Tanzania: Keitta
Uganda: Eve
Zambia: Keitta
Rest of Africa: Keitta

Total: Keitta = 8; Mildred = 0; Eve = 7; Edith = 0 (Total: 15 Votes)


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